The new government

If the new administration is to do well, it certainly cannot be business as usual. To begin with we must draw the line between the end of the election campaign and the beginning of governance. Too often, the party and its politics continue to be active even after the elections are over. The new government would really do itself a ton of good if it could ensure that the party does not get involved in the detailed matters of governance. Political parties’ undue interference in running the affairs of state is driven by their focus on winning elections…a focus that is completely at odds with that of the national government, which is representative of all the people. Government decisions are invariably seen through party lenses, so decisions which may be good for the country but perceived to be unpopular will not be made. Government should simply focus on getting the job done and the people will do their part at the ballot. Who knows? An extraordinary job may be deserving of a third term in the same way that a particularly poor job may last no more than one term and not be deserving of the usual two.

So our new government should avoid looking inward or else it will fail to see what’s happening around it. It’s so easy for that to happen; government officials who are often busy protecting their “kingdoms” lose touch with the people. Soon, their whole focus and messaging becomes primarily directed at the opposition party as though the people were non-existent. And this phenomenon is fueled by a media much of which is on one side or the other of the political divide and is compromised completely. The same group of senior journalists and political commentators, many of whom serve the political establishment will shape the national narrative the only way they know. Under such circumstances, we learn nothing new.

One thing that will help the government do a good job is if it engages with the people regularly. Keeping a public temperature gauge close by is a good idea. That’s the only way you determine whether you are working for the welfare of the people or not. Second guessing the people and spewing out self aggrandizing information on how well you are doing, is what happens when the government feels the need to respond to every criticism from the opposition. Propaganda may go far but never as far as actual good deeds. The government should focus on improving the lives of the people by coming up with innovative and creative ways of providing long lasting, well paid jobs and then check to be sure that the people are deriving benefits. A good understanding of the needs of the people is the key. Before the election, if you listened to the government’s message, it seemed like all the people wanted the government to do was to provide infrastructure. Now we know that ‘man shall not live by infrastructure alone.’ They were not listening or they would have known that Infrastructure alone does not transform lives.

Ghanaians are looking for a government that will make a mark in their lives. The incoming government has the goodwill of the people at this point because the people have a vested interest in seeing them succeed. Certain radical changes need to occur so that people can see that it’s a new day. The President elect’s choice of team members will send a first signal. The people seem ready to give them a chance.